Journey Series: Medicare

Support for Your Medicare Journey

Most Americans are eligible to enroll in Medicare coverage at age 65. If you are still working, you generally don’t need to do anything when you become eligible for Medicare. There is no change to your DXC benefits (except as noted below for the Health Savings Account), and you do not need to sign up for Medicare. Your DXC coverage meets all the requirements to delay Medicare without penalty fees (DXC prescription drug coverage is considered “creditable coverage”).

However, you do have the option to elect Medicare coverage if you want it.  

DXC has prepared this Journey to help you understand and consider your options, steps you should take, and resources available to support you. 

Due to IRS rules, any contributions to a Health Savings Account (HSA) — your contributions and any contributions from DXC — must stop six months before your Medicare enrollment starts. If HSA contributions do not stop, you may incur tax penalties. This includes when you actively enroll in Medicare and when you are enrolled automatically in Medicare at age 65 because you are receiving Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) benefits.