Receive free benefits and assistance while traveling on DXC business.
Business travel accident (BTA) insurance provides a variety of benefits and services while you (and your family members) are traveling for DXC business.
You automatically receive BTA insurance starting on your first day of benefits eligibility. DXC provides this coverage at no cost to you (DXC pays the full cost) through Zurich American Insurance Company.
Benefits include:
- Coverage for accidental death and certain injuries that occurs during approved business travel
- Coverage for medical services needed to treat a covered injury or illness that occurs during business travel outside the U.S. (Zurich Travel Assist)
- Travel assistance during approved business travel 100 or more miles from your home, including evacuation for medical or security purposes and help with passport and visa requirements, travel immunization and security information, lost baggage, prescription refills and more (Zurich Travel Assist)
Coverage is provided while you are traveling for DXC business away from the location where you usually work and excluding your regular commute. Your spouse/domestic partner and dependent children may also be eligible for coverage while traveling with you on business/relocation trips (with DXC pre-approval).
Our BTA insurance policy number is GTU 0207327.